© Copyright © 2009-2023Jordan Media Enterprises LLC Organ Expressions
Natural releases of each note were recorded and included for the best possible realism. This is a “dry” sample set and requires either a large
room or artificial reverb to make the best presentation. Studio processing includes seamless looping of each pipe sample (note by note,) and
critical noise reduction artistry to reduce the rumble created by the blower.
The samples and the organ definition file (ODF) are delivered via download or DVD disc. The 2 manual, 15 rank sample set is compatible with
Hauptwerk V.
Compass of manual: 61 notes C to C
Compass of pedal board: 32 notes C to G
Tuning: A+440 Hz Equal Temperament
Regal Chorus V
35 reed voices virtual pipe organ
The Regal Chorus has been designed to add a variety of fire to any organ that has a MIDI output. It delivers 35 ranks of reed stops of various
tonality. Samples have been assembled from nine different American Makers: Robert Morton, Aeolian Skinner, Schantz Reuter, Wicks, Moller,
Kilgen, Hinners and free reed ranks from Estey.
Wheather you want a Romantic Tromba or a Classic Trumpet, French Hautbois, or a Symphonic Cormome, or the Victorian Oboe from a free
reed, you have 35 ranks from which to choose. Also included is a zimblestern, chimes, handbells, glockenspeil and Chystleglott.
The VPO includes one 61 note manual and 32 note pedal board. A single expression pedal controls a single swell box.
Studio processing included seamless looping of each pipe smaple (note by note). and critical noise reduction artistry to reduce the rumble
created by the blower and wind noise. Natural releases of each note were recorded and included for the best possible realism. We have added
a 25 note Deagan chime rank. The organ has a bright and open quality that can be voiced in Hauptwerk.
16 bit, 48k mono samples. The sample files require 1 gig of memory.
The samples and the ODF are delivered via download, DVD rom disc or USB jump drive.
MANUAL DIVISON includes 16’ and 4’ couplers and unison off
Aeolian-Skinner 8’ Clarinet, 8’ Cornopean, 8’ English Horn, 8’ French Horn,
8’ Tromba, 8’ Tuba Mirabilis,
Schantz 16’ Basson, 8’ Fesival Trumpet, 8’ Trompette, 8’ Hautbois,
8’ Krummhorn, 4’ Clarion, 4’ Rohr Schalnai
Kilgen 8’ Oboe, 8’ Trumpet
Moller 4’ Trumpette, 4’ Oboe
Wicks 8’ Silver Trumpet, 4’ Oboe
Reuter 16’ Contra Trumpet, 8’ Cormone, 8’ Trumpette
Hinners 8’ Tromba, 8’ Oboe
Robert Morton 8’ Orchestral Oboe, 8’ Tuba Major
Estey (reed organ) 16’ Clarinet, 8’ Oboe
4 bell Zimblestern, 36 note Handbells, 24 note Deagan Chimes,
Glockenspeil, Chystleglott
Schantz 16’ Bombarde, 16’ Fagott, 8’ Trompette, 4’ Clarion
Kilgen 8’ Trumpet
Moller 8’ Oboe
Reuter 16’ Contra Trumpette
Robert Morton 16’ Ophicleida, 8’ Tuba, 4’ Tuba
Estey 16’ Clarinet (free reed)
Purchases may be made through Paypal
by means of gary@jordanaudio.com address.