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Organ Expressions
The great and pedal organs are unenclosed. The
swell, choir and antiphonal organs are under
expression. The pedal division has a complete
Principal chorus - 16’, 8’, 4’ and Mixture iii with no
borrowing. The six rank antiphonal division can
be coupled to any manual.
The 24 note Deagan chimes are very nice. They
are playable from the great manual at mezzo forte
(MF) and from the choir manual at fortissimo (FF)
while being under expression. The antiphonal
division includes 36 handbells. The choir division
includes a chrysoglott (harp.) The pipes are
positioned in tall chambers. None of the pipes
needed to be mitered. All the pipe work is
positioned behind acoustically transparent grill
The chamber layout is very straightforward. The
great and pedal organs are positioned in the
center rear of the platform about 10’ above the
stage floor with two large chests and several
offset chests. The swell chamber is to the west at
a 30 degree angle to the great with two chests
placed one above the other and two offset chests.
The choir chamber is to the east at a 30 degree
angle to the great with two chests placed one
above the other. The chimes are located at the
rear of in the choir chamber.
Natural releases of each note were recorded and
included for the best possible realism. This is a
“dry” sample set and requires either a large room
or artificial reverb to make the best presentation.
Studio processing includes seamless looping of
each pipe sample (note by note,) and critical noise
reduction artistry to reduce the rumble created by
the blower.
The samples and the organ definition file (ODF)
are delivered via download or DVD disc. The 3
manual, 53 rank sample set is compatible with
Hauptwerk V.
Compass of each manual: 61 notes C to C
Compass of pedal board: 32 notes C to G
Tuning: A+440 Hz Equal Temperment
Table Caption
16’ Gemshorn
16’ Rohr Bourden
16 Lieblich Gedeckt
8’ Principal
8’ Rohr Flote
8’ Holz Gedeckt
8’ Hohl Flote
8’ Viola
8’ Erzahler
8’ Gemshorn
8’ Viola Celeste tc
8’ Erzahler celeste tc
4’ Octave
4’ Principal
4’ Nachthorn
4’ Flute Harmonic
4’ Flute Conique
2 2/3’ Nasard
2’ Super Octave
2’ Flautino
2’ Waldflote
IV Fourniture
1 1/3’ Quinte
1 3/5’ Tierce
III Scharff
IV Plein Jeu
1 1/3’ Larigot
8’ Orch Oboe
16’ Basson
III Zymbel
chimes MF
8’ Trompette
8’ Krumhorn
8’ Oboe
4’ Rohr Schalmei
4’ Clarion
Coupler 16/8 off /4
Chimes FF
Coupler 16/ 8 off /4
Swell to Great 16/8/4
Choir to Great 16/8/4
Choir to Swell 16/8/4
Swell to Choir 16/8/4
Antiphonal to Great 8
Antiphonal to Swell 8
Great to Choir 8
Antiphonal to Choir 8
Table Caption
8’ Geigan Principal
32’ Resultant
8’ Stopped Flute
16’ Principal
8’ Vox Angelica
16’ Sub-Bass
4’ Geigan Principal
16’ Gemshorn
4’ Harmonic Flute
16’ Rohr Bordoun
2’ Piccolo
8’ Octave
8’ Festival Trumpet
8’ Flute
Hand Bells
8’ Gemshorn
8’ Rohr Flote
4’ Super Octave
4’ Flute
4’ Rohr Flote
2’ Nachthorn
III Mixture
16’ Bombarde
16’ Basson
8’ Trompette
8’ Basson
4’ Clarion
4’ Basson
4’ Krummhorn
Great to Pedal 8
Swell to Pedal 8
Choir to Pedal 8
Antiphonal to Pedal 8
Purchases may be made through Paypal
by means of gary@jordanaudio.com address.
USA purchases may use a personal or company check.
Download or delivery will be sent after check clears.
Missouri residents add 5.4% sales tax.
Schantz 918-V
3/53 virtual pipe organ for Hauptwerk V