OrganExpressions                          “Helping You Sound Your Best”
© Copyright © 2009-2023Jordan Media Enterprises LLC Organ Expressions
Natural releases of each note were recorded and included for the best possible realism. This is a “dry” sample set and requires either a large room or artificial reverb to make the best presentation. Studio processing includes seamless looping of each pipe sample (note by note,) and critical noise reduction artistry to reduce the rumble created by the blower. The samples and the organ definition file (ODF) are delivered via download or DVD disc. The 2 manual, 15 rank sample set is compatible with the free, basic and advanced versions of Hauptwerk 4.2 or higher. No editing to the dongle is required. Compass of each manual: 61 notes C to C Compass of pedal board: 32 notes C to G Tuning: A+440 Hz Equal Temperament

Schantz Chapel

2/23 virtual pipe organ

The great, pedal and swell organs are under expressions in two chambers. The Schantz Chapel is a 2 manual with pedal arrangement that is created from the samples for the 3/53 Opus 918 organ built in 1969. With three 16’ ranks, two mutations, three reeds and one 4 rank mixture, the specification is very full and expressive. We have included a 24 note Deagan chme rank. This is a straight organ with a unified Rohrbourdon (16’ and 8’), Viole (8’ and 4’) and Flute Conique (4’ and 2”) in the Swell division, and a few borrowed stops in the pedal division. 
Both the great and the swell organs are under expression. The pedal organ is enclosed with the Great.  We have added five divisional presets, and five general presets for a total of 20 pistons.
Studio processing included seamless looping of each pipe sample (note by note). and critical noise reduction artistry to reduce the rumble created by the blower and wind noise. Natural releases of each note were recorded and included for the best possible realism. We have added a 25 note Deagan chime rank.  The organ has a bright and open quality that can be voiced in Hauptwerk. 
24 bit, 48k stereo samples. The sample files require 1.3 gig of memory. The samples and the ODF are delivered via download, DVD rom disc or USB jump drive.
GREAT DIVISION 16’ Gemshorn- 12 8' Principal- 61 8' Holz Gedeckt- 61 8' Gemshorn- 61 8' Trumpet- 61 4' Octave- 61 4’ Flute Harmonique- 62 2’ Super Octave- 61 2’ Waldfloete- 61 iv Plein Jeu- 244 Chimes- 24 Zimblestern Tremulant Great to Great 16/4 Swell to Great 16/8/4 SWELL DIVISION 16’ Rohrbourden- 12 8’ Rohrbourden- 61 8’ Viola- 61 8’ Viola Celeste- 49 4’ Flute Conique- 61 4’ Viola- 12 2 2/3’ Nazard- 61 2’ Flute- 12 8’ Krummhorn- 61 4’ Clarion- 61 Tremulant Swell to Swell 16/4 Swell Unison off PEDAL DIVISION 16’ Principal- 32 16’ Rohrbourdon- (S) 16’ Gemshorn- (G) 8’ Octave- 12 8’ Rohrflute (S) 8’ Gemshorn- (G) 4’ Octave- (G) 4’ Flute- (S) Swell to Pedal 8’ Great to Pedal 8’ Great to Pedal 8 Swell to Pedal 8
Purchases may be made through Paypal by means of address. USA purchases may use a personal or company check. Delivery will be sent after check clears. Missouri residents add 5.4% sales tax.
OrganExpressions                          “Helping You Sound Your Best”
© Copyright © 2009-2022 Jordan Media Enterprises LLC Organ Expressions

Schantz Chapel

2/23 virtual pipe organ

Purchases may be made through Paypal by means of address. USA purchases may use a personal or company check. Delivery will be sent after check clears. Missouri residents add 5.4% sales tax.
GREAT DIVISON 16’ Gemshorn- 12 8' Principal- 61 8' Holz Gedeckt- 61 8' Gemshorn- 61 8' Trumpet- 61 4' Octave- 61 4’ Flute Harmonique- 62 2’ Super Octave- 61 2’ Waldfloete- 61 iv Plein Jeu- 244 Chimes- 24 Zimblestern Tremulant Great to Great 16/4 Swell to Great 16/8/4 SWELL DIVISION 16’ Rohrbourden- 12 8’ Rohrbourden- 61 8’ Viola- 61 8’ Viola Celeste- 49 4’ Flute Conique- 61 4’ Viola- 12 2 2/3’ Nazard- 61 2’ Flute- 12 8’ Krummhorn- 61 4’ Clarion- 61 Tremulant Swell to Swell 16/4 Swell Unison off PEDAL DIVISION 16’ Principal- 32 16’ Rohrbourdon- (S) 16’ Gemshorn- (G) 8’ Octave- 12 8’ Rohrflute (S) 8’ Gemshorn- (G) 4’ Octave- (G) 4’ Flute- (S) Swell to Pedal 8’ Great to Pedal 8’ Great to Pedal 8 Swell to Pedal 8
The great, pedal and swell organs are under expressions in two chambers. The Schantz Chapel is a 2 manual with pedal arrangement that is created from the samples for the 3/53 Opus 918 organ built in 1969. With three 16’ ranks, two mutations, three reeds and one 4 rank mixture, the specification is very full and expressive. We have included a 24 note Deagan chme rank. This is a straight organ with a unified Rohrbourdon (16’ and 8’), Viole (8’ and 4’) and Flute Conique (4’ and 2”) in the Swell division, and a few borrowed stops in the pedal division. 
Both the great and the swell organs are under expression. The pedal organ is enclosed with the Great.  We have added five divisional presets, and five general presets for a total of 20 pistons.
Studio processing included seamless looping of each pipe smaple (note by note). and critical noise reduction artistry to reduce the rumble created by the blower and wind noise. Natural releases of each note were recorded and included for the best possible realism. We have added a 25 note Deagan chime rank.  The organ has a bright and open quality that can be voiced in Hauptwerk. 
24 bit, 48k stereo samples. The sample files require 1.3 gig of memory. The samples and the ODF are delivered via download, DVD rom disc or USB jump drive.